Site icon G. A. Page, Ph.D.

Screenflow + 6 Additional Screen Capture Tools

One of the current assignments for my students is to create a short "standalone" digital lesson using audio, video, text, and graphics. If you have ever visited the "eHow" or "Instructables" you will see a large variety of how to leverage the technology and provide a thoughtful learning episode on a particular topic.     While it is not exactly "Artificial Intelligence" this approach will save you and the learners time and allow for the concept to be repeated for deeper learning. In addition, this tool, and the 6 additional programs have implications and applications for mobile learning.

Here's a link to a new tool called "Screenflow" (iOS, $99, Softonic) which allows those constructing the lessons to "work smarter, not harder" and maximize the technology to reproduce brief lessons. For example, a teacher could create a digital lesson covering the course syllabus and save valuable synchronous class time. Another example would be to create a standalone orientation to serve as an advance organizer for students who are navigating or matriculating through a new educational system.

If you are looking for similar FREE or PC/MAC programs, here's a link to 6 Tools to Share Your Computer Screen with Others. Brief overviews and links are provided. 

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