- The Awesomeness of Augmented Reality in Education (2018)
- Augmented Reality +e-Learning: There is NO Kill Switch for the Awesomeness (2015)
- Longitudinal Case Study Rural Community of Practice (2010-2020)
Augmented Reality e-Book Construction and Collaboration (In Progress)
How NOT to Write a Thesis or Dissertation in the 21st Century (e-textbook in Progress)
Page, G. Ali, R. Chapter_IT_Constructivism: The Power and Promise of Web 2.0
Information, Communication, and Educational Technologies In Rural Alaska (2010)
Faculty Adoption of Technology–The Case of Elluminate or What We Have Here is Failure to Illuminate! (2011, PDF)
Technology & Responsibility (2012)
Head in the Clouds? Ten Free Web Tools to Support Faculty Research (2012)
Distance Education: The Tipping Point in the Transformation of Higher Education (2005, (PDF)
Dissertation: Poverty and Progress in a Rural County (2004, PDF)
- Exploring the Digital Divide (2004)
Internet Communication and Qualitative Research (2000)
A Few Reasons Y (1999)
Defendit Numeris: There is Safety in Numbers!
Calculators in my Adult Education Classroom (1998)
- GED Math Reference Guide (1995) Over 2300 sold! FREE
- Citation of my publications (2019)