Do you like games, being challenged, scenario-based learning, and the opportunity to apply knowledge and strategy? I do. I have always preferred games that involve skill over chance. I tend to steer clear from games that involve luck and I’ve found that I will indulge in games and contests that require cognitive processing, deductive reasoning, critical thinking, and reasoning. For example, I like the challenging Scrabble-esque, Zynga mobile app “Words with Friends” because it requires me to think. Now contrast this type of game with one that involves chance or luck like card games. While an argument could be made that card games like “Solitaire” involve strategy there is still too much chance and, therefore, my ability to control the outcome. While I am “thinking” when I play “Solitaire” the experience is not as satisfying as a game that is based on logic and strategy.
Studies have shown that individuals who play games like “Brainfit” can increase and sustain their levels of cognitive prowess. I would like to add a database of that empirical research and explore how I can leverage this approach in my courses. While I have created an “Instructional Design Jeopardy” I want to pursue other resources and actively solicit any suggestions (e.g., links, citations, games, first-person perspectives) on this line of thinking.
Here’s a link to the article: “Gamification and eLearning – Should You be Considering It and Why? that was published November 17, 2015 on the website.
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